What’s your name? Taylor
Where do you live? North Carolina
Was your family’s adoption domestic or international? International
Was your family’s adoption through the foster system or an agency? Agency
Does your sibling have any special needs? Yes
How old were you when your family adopted? How old was your sibling? 9
What were some good things that your parents did to help you adjust before and after the adoption?
We read books about adoption before he came and we talked about it a lot.
What were some things you wish your parents had done differently?
I wanted to travel with them to get him and I was going to and then they changed their minds. I would like to have gone.
What was your initial reaction when you learned you were going to get a new sibling?
I was excited to get a younger brother.
What was your initial reaction when you first met your new sibling? I was afraid he didn't like me.
How long did it take for your sibling to adjust to your family? How long did it take for things to feel “normal” again? About 6 to 8 monthshs
Has there ever been a time when you wished your family had not adopted (even briefly)? No
How is your relationship with your adopted sibling today?
We are very different personality wise, but we get along and he is easy to talk to.